District Information
Human Resources
Fundraisers - all fundraisers must be approved by a principal and the activity director. After approval, process a PO through the building secretary to the vendor. All checks should be made to Dexter Schools, and, deposits should be made within 24 hours of receipt. The district will cut a check to the vendor.
W9 Form (if this is a new vendor)
Mail/Post Office - Information on mailing folded flyers
Physical Forms for Drivers & Bus Assitants - bus drivers, activity drivers and bus assistants must have a current physical in place. Physicals must be completed by a physician who is on the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners. The district will reimburse up to $90 for the completed physical. Both forms must be returned.
Project Celebration - Dexter High School plans, organizes and executes a Project Celebration for Dexter, Hagerman and Lake Arthur.
Purchasing - all purchases must be pre-approved via the PO process.
W9 Form (if this is a new vendor)
Travel Reimbursement - employees who travel overnight for district purposes may be reimbursed if a PO is in place prior to travel.
Non-Travel Reimbursement - employees who incur expenses in carrying out their authorized duties shall be reimbursed by the District upon submission of allowable supporting receipts, provided that prior authorization, in the form of a PO, has been granted.
Reimbursement Request -Non Travel
Staff Volunteers - Under certain circumstances, nonexempt employees of Dexter Consolidated Schools may volunteer time. Specifically, nonexempt employees may volunteer for work outside their regular duties and regular hours.
Time Clock - Dexter Consolidated Schools will utilize a computer based time clock system for its non-exempt employees. This is the official time record for employee compensation.
Use Our Buildings - Application and instructions for using school-owned facilities.
Trip Request - When students travel for contests, field trips, etc., complete this form for approval by the building principal.
Workers Compensation - In accordance with applicable workers' compensation statutes, all employees of Dexter Consolidated Schools who have a work-related injury are eligible for coverage.
Notice of Accident - to be completed by injured Employee
Employers' First Report of Injury or Illness - to be completed by Supervisor